beyond (24/4/24)


I’m of the belief that social media is crumbling under its own weight, collapsing in on itself, just take a cold, hard look at it, it’ its own worst enemy, piling message upon message upon message to infinity and beyond, there’s no way that’s sustainable, a once-pristine river that’s become polluted one too many times, an ever-decreasingly spiral vanishing up its own vortex, a species eating itself out of house and home until it dies from an excess of wind, it’s days are numbered, I give this digital cul-de-sac maybe another five years, at best, then, pffft!… a hole, a vacuum, a blank, a whatever ‘beyond’… no doubt one day we’ll all look back, with a wry smile and think, how on earth  did we fall for it… anyway, good to get that off my chest… so, I was just wondering, what if when every day you wake up the configuration of your house has changed, that’d be fun wouldn’t it, all the contents and rooms would be there but all completed rejigged and not where they were when you went to bed, opening your bedroom door in the morning would be quite an adventure… I’ll take solace in that the greenfinches are back, hoorah!… a presumed common bird but not as much as one would think, having suffered the past few years from, what I observed, some kind of disease which seemed to affect their feeding, in that they no longer knew when you stop eating, becoming overweight and sluggish and effectively unable to fly, perfect prey for predators, or for simply falling off wherever they were perched, they were literally eating themselves to death… but they’re back and looking healthy again; nature’s peaks and troughs way of weeding out?.. or, the victim yet again of one pesticide, herbicide or toxin too many which we humans are so fond of liberally sprinkling hither and thither without a second thought?.. it’s not the excitement of rarities that tell us if our environment is in good shape or not, it’s the common, the overlooked and taken for granted…… my word, I’ve gone on a bit today, I’m off now to be beside and seaside……


I’m climate-anxious, my wellies have split and are no longer waterproof… eek!


if the back of my head was the front of my head and the front of my head the back, I wonder if left and right would be the same……

© 2024 robert greig


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