
You are now entering ‘My life as a piece of string …from a silent space’, my blogcast where all manner of bloggery takes place.

Meonomous is me, aka Rob, scribbler, snapper, rhymer, worder, blogger, poet, stuff-writer, stuff-thinker randomly lurching from one day to the next. I do wonder if anyone ever reads the page about oneself on blogsites, but here goes anyway.


Furthermore… I’m a naturalist, anthropologist, gardenist, yogalect, coffeehead, proglodyte, cynic, randometrist, experimental gentleman, qualified in all and none, this is my blog, or diary of your prefer, of cracks and flaws and scars, of unedited nonsense, ramblings, babblings, streams of flimsiness, strains of whimsiness alongside some things that occasionally rhyme, so please enjoy your wander around my word garden where I propagate ponders and cultivate musings…

*please respect my ownership of all writings and photographs, music and sounds here*

I’ve been blogging words and images here, there and otherwheres since, now let’s see, 2007, and by 2013 had planted my flag here at WordPress. I began way back in the days of yore by posting something daily but since re-evaluating this of late decided upon a less onerous bi-weekly blogcast (which is what I call it for now), one of which will always be a poem, of a sort.

Read them while they’re hot as I frequently declutter, as in retire older writings, doodlings, postings, if I didn’t do this it would likely crumble under its own wordy-weight.

Meanwhile, here’s a beginners guide to the category links/menus at the top of the page:

allscapes: is as it says, no mystery, it’s everything, all categories in one click.

blogscapes: ramblings, trains of thought, streams of consciousness, moments of refraction.

poemscapes:  poetry, rhyme, verse, doggerel and journeys in rhythm.

photoscapes:  abstract photography on Flickr.

gullery gallery:  gull photography on Flickr.

abstractals:  abstract photography on Flickr.

sifting sounds:  podcasts of my aural asides on SoundCloud.

(apologies for any advertisements here, not my choice being the downside of a free web account here being that I can’t afford to upgrade to a paid sub)

© 2024 Robert Greig. All writings and photographs are protected by copyright law.